Letting your child express emotions their way

Art, music, and play therapy let children communicate feelings they can’t explain in words.

You can probably think of a childhood moment when you were quaking with fury, or crumpled up into a little ball of sadness.

As adults, we have an emotional vocabulary that lets us label those feelings so others can understand them. But children – especially in cases of trauma, anxiety, or other distress – often haven’t developed that.

Tantrums, aggression, self-harm, withdrawing from others, and other behavioural issues often indicate that an underlying emotional need isn’t being met. I’ll work with you and your child to create a plan that fills those needs.

Beyond traditional “talk” methods of therapy, I use:

Art Therapy

Drawing, painting, and creating story books lets children physically show us how they feel.

Music Therapy

Songwriting, playing instruments, and singing help patients express the emotions they don’t have words for.

Play Therapy

Puppets, sandtray, figurines, board games (and much more) allow children to more easily communicate their issues.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

EFT is a fun method to use with kids, and very effective. They tap with their own fingers on acupuncture points on their upper body while exploring their thoughts and feelings. It helps them relax while they work through things that cause them stress.

Child and teddy bear

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

DBT is an evidence-based psychotherapy approach that teaches how to live in the moment, develop healthy ways to cope with stress, regulate emotions, and improve relationships with others. 

I always encourage my clients to express their thoughts and feelings. It helps clarify what’s going on inside. Then I can help you to chart a plan and take steps along your healing journey.

Children live in a world of play and imagination. If we’re going to help them work through their issues, that’s where we need to meet them, even if it seems far-fetched to us as adults!

As a parent, you have an important role. Involving you in the therapy with your child builds your relationship and strengthens communication between you, and lowers the risk of a crisis that you can’t deal with.

Like any form of healing, therapy takes time and effort.

But the results are worth it!